Monday, September 6, 2010

The Legend of the Drunken Master

This is the longest time I've been sober.
5 months!!!

But it's great to discover a new source of happPPppiness even without a single drop of alcohol:

I love to see him drunk.
I love to hear him drunk.

All for one reason...
He talks endlessly about anything,,,everything under the sun without inhibitions.

The other night was our favorite topic...
The Sexcapades with all the exes and all the other side dishes! ;-)
This time with full details. All our cards on the table.
Who? How? When? Where? Frequency? Why?

Amazing how two very different people were brought to share one life.
Amazing how the past made us who, where, how and why we are now.


Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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